Jessica Chen

Awarded 2021 – Graduated 2023

Jessica Chen grew up and spent most of her life in a small college town in Maine. After graduating with a BA from Williams College in 2019, she decided to pursue her dreams of becoming a professional artist, going against the grain of all those who told her that a career in art was neither possible nor practical.

Jessica’s experiences of being “caught between worlds” drive her desire to bridge boundaries through art. She hopes to merge her interests in psychoanalysis and cultural theory with the technical possibilities of digital tools. Jessica frequently draws upon her background as a classically-trained violinist and pianist, using music as a source of artistic inspiration. Her aim is to generate emotionally and conceptually evocative art capable of connecting people to their shared humanity.

Jessica will be attending DigiPen in the fall to pursue her second year as an MFA student. After graduation, she hopes to work as an environment artist, and wants to use her multifaceted experiences to connect with others through teaching and mentorship. Through the kindness and generosity of the McMillen Foundation, Jessica will be able to fully pursue her dreams without restraint. She is extremely grateful to be part of the McMillen Artist Community.

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